You know, counseling is kind of a strange concept if you really think about it and it's a big step for a lot of people. Here's the top 3 reasons people tell me it took so long for them to come to counseling. 

1. I've been to counseling before and it didn't work. Finding the right counselor is like trying on shoes. Every size 7 shoe isn't the same fit for your foot just like every counselor may not be right for your problem. 

At Believe, Hope, Inspire Wellness Services LLC, we focus on your story. You are not just the sum of mistakes or challenges, you are also shaped by the strengths you possess. Using a combination of Narrative Therapy, Positive Psychology, and Gottman Method for Couples Therapy, with a bit of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Acceptance Commitment Therapy, we have crafted a unique method of engagement that empowers you to set your own goals and move toward them. We wrap your counseling experience in self-compassion and encourage you to choose beliefs and behaviors that are gentle and kind and help you rather than work against you. 

2. It's too expensive. Counseling is definitely an investment. But instead of investing in everyone else's happiness like we too often do, it's an investment in YOU. I heard someone say we can tell where our heart lies by where our money goes. Our only goal for you is that you dedicate as much time to finding your best life as you do to helping others find theirs! Because what we have learned is that when you are living fully alive you have a chance to influence and inspire others to do the same. So in a big way an investment in you really does pay off in the lives of others you love. 

3. My problems aren't serious enough for counseling or my problems are hopeless to fix. Everyone has problems, some bigger than others, but everyone deserves a chance to grow beyond where they are now. And often counseling is the way to gain momentum, move forward in healthy ways, and be empowered. You don't have to stay stuck where you are now. Feeling trapped, bored, angry and tired? Grieving the loss of a loved one or of a dream? Everyone - even you - deserve to feel better than they do right now. Counseling is often the first step. 

So, I hope you give us a call and take that first step. I don't think you'll regret it.!!

Dianne Presley, LCSW


Believe, Hope, Inspire Wellness Services LLC
